St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pudsey

  1. faith and values
  2. Bambisanani Partnership

Bambisanani Partnership  

The Bambisanani Partnership


  • The Bambisanani Partnership is a unique collaboration initially created 17 years ago by St. Mary’s Menston school in Leeds, UK and Mnyakanya High School in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
  • St Joseph's was the first primary school to join the partnership and trail blazed how Primary schools could grow the partnership from the initial 2 schools.
  • The partnership now includes 2 universities, 2 high schools, a special school, 16 primary schools and an orphanage.
  • Bambisanani is the Zulu word meaning 'working hand in hand’.
  • Our partnership uses sport as a major catalyst to develop international understanding, education, health and leadership.


Bambisanani Links to St Joseph’s

  • Fund raising – the school has raised money for uniform, sporting equipment and sensory items totaling £3122.40.
  • Education – The children in Y5/6 have taken part in a day of learning and understanding the culture of South Africa.   Bambisanani Day
  • Athletics Partnership – The children compete with their peers in South Africa over a number of athletics events in an annual competition. 
  • Primary Award – Is awarded to children who display 5 acts of kindness, raise £25 and explore the African culture.  In the academic year 2023 -24. St Joseph's has awarded 6 Primary awards with the children raising £275, which has bought sensory equipment for a school in South Africa specialising in education for children with special educational needs.School Projects     
    • The school has exchanged postcards with primary school children in South Africa, providing artwork and facts about the school.
    • Children created love hearts to share with the orphanage in South Africa.  A collection was made from the school community to send items for the orphanage to use in educating and explore.
    • A story bag was created by our EYFS team to share with the children at the orphanage.  The stories were shared in the UK and then transported to South Africa where they were again shared and left to retell the story to other communities in South Africa.

Athletics Partnership

  • An athletics partnership was piloted and launched just as the COVID pandemic spread. Its aim was to use sport as a major catalyst to develop international understanding, education, health and leadership.
  • Athletics was chosen as it was felt that there was no barrier to entry.
  • The children took part in a range of events: Sprinting, jumping, throwing and relay running
  • The children’s results were recorded, they had their teaching in their athletics and results were again recorded to note progress
  • The results were compared to the other schools and the achievement of the children was celebrated through certificates and medals
  • Quotes from the children:
    • “I liked competing against learners from the UK and learning about their country”

      “I have won an international medal and now want to achieve more in sports and in school.”

      “I love running, throwing and jumping and I want to go to South Africa now!”

      “This challenge has been so much fun. We worked hard but it was worth it.

South African Athletics Pictures


Fund Raising

Socks for South Africa - children wore odd socks to raise £560 to buy uniform for children to attend school. 

Marathon swim - Mr Farmer completed a virtual swim across the English Channel to raise £1200 to buy equipment for the Athletics challenge.

A virtual journey to Africa - raised £1000 to buy sensory equipment for a Special Educational Needs school.

Donations - A year from Y5 has donated all his books for the children in South Africa so they can take a book away from the reading festival.