St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pudsey

  1. Our Learning
  2. English at St Joseph's

English at St Joseph's

Welcome to the wonderful world of our curriculum in English. 


“High-quality first teaching,” is a focus of our Literacy curriculum at St Joseph’s. It is an opportunity to empower children through reading and writing in a creative, immersive, and inspiring learning environment. We intend to make sure that our curriculum is fully inclusive to all! 
For the progress of children, it is paramount that we expand our understanding constantly to ensure our literature is purposeful and engaging to successfully explore cultures, historical events, locality, social challenges and more. These insights into the wider world through reading enable children to gain greater understanding of society and make
connections with their own beliefs, morals, and actions.
Providing consistency and quality teaching, the children are guided and motivated to develop their independence to write and read confidently allowing all aspects of Literacy to flourish. The progression of learning at St Joseph’s includes a range of aspects: reading and writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar, speaking and listening, phonics and handwriting.

At St Joseph's one of our greatest developments has been our inspirational journeys that we provide the children throughout the years: 

Insight into our Class Library Journey

Insight into our Love For Reading Journey

Insight into our Writing Stimulus Journey


As part of our curriculum knowledge, it is highly important to understand our intent, implement and impact. Why not take a read?

English Intent, Implement, Impact

For a consistent, effective approach to our teaching in the English curriculum, we ensure that all our staff are understand the sequence of learning through progression maps:

St Joseph's Writing Progression

St Joseph's Reading Progression

Beginning early reading, children at St Joseph's are exposed to our 'Read, Write Inc.' scheme of learning for phonics...

St Joseph's RWI Scheme of Book Overview

St Joseph's RWI Progression Map


Parental Guidance:

Reading At Home Booklet 1

Reading At Home Booklet 2

Phonics Book List

Phonics Fred Games

Phonics Handwriting Phrases

Phonics Parent FAQ



An exciting opportunity at St Joseph's includes our 'Spelling Bee' competition with the Bishop Wheeler Academy Trust. A great opportunity for the children to explore their knowledge as a team!

Spelling Bee - KS1

Spelling Bee - KS2

Inspiring a 'Love for Reading' atmosphere is woven into our curriculum at St Joseph's, but we do love the shared understanding with our parents. The progression of VIPERS gives guidance on discussion about reading, and the book reviews allow the children to explore their learning even further:

Literacy VIPERS Reading Progression

Vipers Style Book Review Y1 and Y2

Vipers Style Book Review Y3 and Y4

Vipers Style Book Review Y5 and Y6

It is important that all parties involved have an opportunity to explore our curriculum, and that includes our governors. The most recent governor report based on English can be found here:

Governors Report May 2023


KS2: Brian Beresford Author - June 2024

Whole School: Spelling Bee Competition - July 2024

Whole School: Ian Bland Poet - October 2024

Whole School: Jason Beresford Author - November 2025

Whole School: M&M Productions - April 2025

KS2: Tom Palmer Author - May 2025

WOW! What a fantastic experience! In Nursery and Reception, the Leeds Library Service provided a wonderful opportunity, where the library bus came to visit. The children loved the opportunity and it was a great way to develop their journey into a 'Love for Reading'.

On World Book Day 2024, all of St Joseph's participated in a 'Love for Reading' day dressed as their favourite characters. We celebrated the end of the day with a whole school parade to share our love!

In Spring, all of the children in Year 3 and Year 4 were enriched further in our curriculum with a visit from the British Library Workshop. The classes participated in a 'Graphic Novel Dramatised' session.

In Spring, all of the children in Year 5 and Year 6 were enriched further in our curriculum with a visit from the British Library Workshop. The classes participated in a 'Sounds Like A Story' session.

To inspire our children, on the first day back after the Easter half term, we had M&M Productions visit our whole school to perform 'Jungle Book'. All classes have participated in drama activities followed by a piece of 'Jungle Book' themed writing.