St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pudsey

  1. Our Learning
  2. Class Pages
  3. St Bernadette

St Bernadette's Class

Welcome to the world of St Bernadette's class, where we love to learn and grow!

Our main class teacher is Miss Martin.

Our teaching assistant is Mrs Newton.

Every half term, our learning is shared through our newsletters:

Autumn 1 2023-2024

Autumn 2 2023-2024

Spring 1 2023-2024

Spring 2 2023-2024

Summer 1 2023-2024 

Summer 2 2023-2024

St Bernadette thoroughly enjoyed their workshop for Health and well being ! They have used creativity and team work to try and solve the challenges given by Courtney Fry!

Maths learning...

We had a fantastic time in Yorkshire Arboretum, exploring maths outside the classroom! We used nature to practise our times tables, measured trees and calculated their age. We also explored statistics with minibeasts and spent some time in the red squirrels’ enclosure!

Design Technology learning...

We thoroughly enjoyed learning about different cultures by looking at their diets. Of course, our favourite part was to make and eat the food: corn bread for South Africa and savoury crêpes/galettes for France…

French learning...

In UKS2, we are becoming true language experts. We are starting to use bilingual dictionary to translate small passages written in French language. Here, we learnt all about George Seurat, the French founder of pointillism, that we studied in art, by reading and translating a mini biography!

Art learning...

St Bernadette absolutely loves doing art! For one of our projects this year, we turned into Andy Warhol and created our own pop art masterpiece!

History learning...

One of our favourite topics this year definitely was WW1. We enjoyed learning about all aspects of the war in class, and loved it even more when a history specialist came to spend the day with us in school, with all her artefacts, to teach us even more about it!

In St Bernadette's, we chose the charity 'Children In Need' and as part of our fund raising we invited the whole school to donate £1 for a non-uniform day!

In February, Year 6 had the most wonderful experience at Ingleborough Hall. Memories to last a lifetime!