St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pudsey

  1. Our School
  2. Catholic life of the School

Catholic life of the School


Collective Worship at St Josephs

A huge part of our Catholic lives at St Josephs is how we gather together for Collective Worship.
At our school we gather in different ways to reflect, pray and praise God for the blessings we have in our lives. Sometimes we gather as a whole school and other times we gather as individual classes. Sometimes the worhsips are led by staff and other times they are planned and led by the pupils.
We use 'Virtues to Live By' in providing themes and reflective focuses for our worships. The information below shows what the different virtues are that provide themes our worships and spiritual development:

Catholic Life 2019-2020
Year 6 learning about Discipleship

Year 6 had fun learning about St Paul in the sunshine. They used artwork to show how his life changed though his conversion to Christianity.


St Bernadette's learning about Baptism.


The children in St. Bernadette's class were learning about baptism. They visited Fr. Peter first to learn about the signs and symbols of baptism and what might happen in real baptism. When the children returned to class they had the opportunity in groups to role play what might happen in a baptism. 
May is the month of Mary.
As part of our work on Mary, the children made crowns and painted pictures of Mary. The children in Key Stage 2 learnt how to say the rosary, we then painted pictures of rosary beads. The children visited the prayer garden in small groups. We prayed to Mary and some children were able to crown Mary.


Reception class visit the church. 

Reception class went to visit Fr. Peter in the church. He showed them around the church and explained to the children all the special parts of the church. They looked at all the signs and symbols. The children got to ask lots of questions and even got to go onto the altar!


St Francis' Class learning about Daniel and the Lion 

In groups, the children made puppets to support their retelling of the story of Daniel and the Lion.


Key Stage 1 Learning about 'The Mass.' 

During the spring term, the children in Key stage 1 have been learning about, 'The Mass' as part of their R.E. work in class. Fr Peter visited the children in the class and the children then visited Fr. Peter in the church. They learnt all about the signs and symbols of the Mass.

St. Francis Collective Worship

St Francis' class led a wole school collective worship where they told us all about the story of,'The Good Samaritan.' They delighted us all with their lovely singing and retelling of the story.


Advent Penetential


The Year 6 Faith in Action group led our Advent Penetential Service. All classes had written things that they wanted to say sorry for on water soluble paper. The children in turn brought their paper forward and placed them in water as a symbol of how our sins can be forgiven when we say sorry.

Catholic Life 2018-2019

Events this year to date:

Welome Mass
Mini Vinnie Commission Service
National Rosary Day
Annual Diocesan Torchlight Procession
Harvest Festival
Singing at the Cathedral celebrating Oscar Romero's canonisation
Shoebox Appeal
Creeping to the Crib
Liturgies focused on advent
Advent Penitential
Nativity Productions
Reverse Advent Calendar
Christingle Cafe for World Gifts
New Year Service of Light
Ashing Service
Y5 Residential/Pilgrimage to Ampleforth
Assembly regarding Bambisinanni partnership
Night Prayer at Ingleborough Hall
Ampleforth Liturgy on prayer delivered by Year 5
St Joseph's Day
Cafod soup fast day
Good Shepherd Games Day
Mission Day
Cafod Presentation
Lenten Penitential
Stations of the Cross
Easter Day and performance of Resurrection Rock
Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Egg Raffle for Good Shepherd Appeal

Catholic Life 2018-2019

Catholic Life 2017-18

The following documents provide pictures and commentaries of the many events in the academic year from September 2017 to August 2018.

 foundation_stage_nativity (1).pubDownload
 good_shepeherd_mass (1).pubDownload
 good_shepherd_sheep_launch (1).pubDownload
 holy_week_2018 (1).pubDownload
 lenten_penetenial_21_3_18 (1).pubDownload
 may_procession_write_up (1).pubDownload
 prayer_garden_update_nov_ (1).pubDownload
 re_achievement_assembly_10_11_17 (1).pubDownload
 school_stations_of_the_cross (1).pubDownload
 service_of_light (1).pubDownload
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